We are proud to announce that Scailable has been acquired by Network Optix.
For the announcement on the Network Optix website, move here.

Webinar: Your Edge AI Solution with Lucom 29/3

New to Edge AI? Together with LUCOM GmbH, we’ll showcase our platform to provide you with a ready-to-use Edge AI solution for your Advantech router. With our patented AI solution management platform, AI-based models can be created and managed effortlessly. Simply put, we make every camera – new or existing – smart.

We seamlessly bring #artificialintelligence into your company.

Webinar Information

Date: 03/29/2023 – Online
1:45 p.m
45 minutes


Maurits Kaptein
Co-founder & CEO at Scailable.

Dominique van Doorn
VP Strategic Partnerships at Scailable.

Sign up now!

    Why Edge AI?

    • Effortlessly create and manage secure surveillance, inspection, retail and logistics solutions
    • Reduce false alarms from your security cameras
    • A targeted visitor analysis of your retail trade or event
    • Product quality control or automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)

    We can help set up the right solution for you!

    Contact us

    Practical Application of an Edge AI Solution

    You have equipped the outdoor area of ​​your company premises with surveillance cameras. Simply connect the existing cameras to an edge device such as our Advantech ICR-4453 router. The AI ​​Manager is already pre-installed on the router and you can select the AI ​​model that suits you – for example, automatic license plate recognition of the vehicles including counting.

    You can define the chain of actions in your AI pipeline, such as switching an access light to red when there is an increased number of vehicles or opening the barrier for individual license plates while the barrier remains closed for other vehicles.

    For more examples, join us at our webinar on Wednesday, the 29th of March!

    Vehicle Count using the Scailable AI Manager