We are proud to announce that Scailable has been acquired by Network Optix.
For the announcement on the Network Optix website, move here.

Integration Services

Are you building AI solutions?

Supercharge your AI Solutions with Scailable: Simplified integration from start to finish

Are you a system integrator or solution builder looking to implement AI capabilities into your projects? Look no further than Scailable. We offer end-to-end support to integrate AI solutions.

From AI model selection to connecting to your preferred endpoint using a wide range of industrial protocols, Scailable streamlines the integration journey. Our team of experts will guide you every step of the way, helping you leverage the full potential of AI without the complexities typically associated with implementation.

With Scailable, you gain access to AI models suitable for applications. With this service, we integrate with your existing infrastructure, enabling you to harness the power of AI.

We understand that as a solution builder, time is of the essence. That’s why Scailable offers efficient and rapid deployment, allowing you to deliver AI-enabled solutions to your clients quickly and reliably. Our software supports all major industrial protocols, ensuring seamless connectivity to your endpoint.

Partnering with Scailable means having a trusted ally dedicated to simplifying the integration process, empowering you to focus on delivering innovative solutions to your customers. Together, we can revolutionize industries and unleash the potential of AI-driven applications.

Reach out to us today to learn more about how Scailable can help you integrate AI software seamlessly, from start to finish, and unlock limitless possibilities for your projects.

The benefits of Scailable edge AI middleware

With the Scailable edge AI middleware, any edge device becomes instantly “AI ready.”

Here’s why building your edge solution on AI-ready devices is a smart choice:

  • You can deploy your entire AI/ML pipeline on a supported device within minutes, allowing you to focus on your models and business application.
  • You can easily switch hardware platforms without having to redo your pipeline, and we ensure that your pipeline runs securely and reliably on your chosen hardware.
  • Deploying your pipeline to a fleet of devices is quick and effortless, saving valuable time.
  • You can use any modeling platform you prefer, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Edge Impulse.
  • You can take advantage of any available device acceleration without having to redo your modeling pipeline.
  • Our middleware seamlessly integrates with popular application platforms like Network Optix and Node-RED.
  • You can close the AI/ML loop with configurable, no-code rules for capturing new training images in context.

With Scailable, your model and application remain yours, and our edge AI middleware ensures that your model runs on the most appropriate hardware for your needs.

Getting started

Choose from the 3 support packages we offer based on the amount of support you need to get started.

We provide 3 support packages:

  Bronze Silver Gold
Integration Pre-compile middleware on supported edge devices. We help you integrate with any application platform if integration is not yet available. Full SDK access. We support you in model and application integration and large-scale device configuration. Full SDK access.
Modeling Limited
We will help you configure and optimize your model within the support hours available. We will help you train, configure and optimize your model within the support hours available.
Support Limited support. Full online support and up to 2 hours custom engineering support per month. Full online support and up to 6 hours engineering support per month.
Knowledge Access to our documentation at docs.sclbl.net Access to our documentation, and access to our online knowledge base with edge AI examples, video’s, and ready-made demos. Access to our documentation, and access to our online knowledge base with edge AI examples, video’s, and ready-made demos. And, access to our Edge AI video lecture series.

* Conditions apply. Minimal support contract of 12 months